Thursday 30 January 2020

Add checkbox in asp gridview with select all functionality

This code will show you how to add checkbox in asp gridview with select all functionality and also how to get selected checkbox gridview rows values. I have added only two columns in gridview but you can use as per your requirement.
.aspx page code
add javascript reference to your page.
  1. <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>  
  2. <script type="text/javascript">  
  3.    $(document).ready(function () {  
  4.       var headerChk = $(".chkHeader input");  
  5.       var itemChk = $(".chkItem input");  
  6. () {  
  7.             itemChk.each(function () {  
  8.                this.checked = headerChk[0].checked;  
  9.          })  
  10.    });  
  11.    itemChk.each(function () {  
  12.          $(this).click(function () {  
  13.             if (this.checked == false)  
  14.             {  
  15.                headerChk[0].checked = false;  
  16.              }  
  17.             })  
  18.          });  
  19.    });  
  20. </script>  
  22. <asp:GridView ID="gvdashboard" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server" class="table table-striped"  
  23. AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLines="None" CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333">  
  24. <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="White" />  
  25.    <Columns>  
  26.       <asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-Width="10px" HeaderStyle-Width="10px">  
  27.          <HeaderTemplate>  
  28.             <asp:CheckBox ID="chkSelectAll" CssClass="chkHeader" runat="server" />  
  29.          </HeaderTemplate>  
  30.       <ItemTemplate>  
  31.       <asp:CheckBox ID="chkRow" CssClass="chkItem" runat="server" />  
  32.       </ItemTemplate>  
  33.       <HeaderStyle Width="10px"></HeaderStyle>  
  34.          <ItemStyle Width="10px"></ItemStyle>  
  35.      </asp:TemplateField>  
  36.      <asp:BoundField DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" ></asp:BoundField>  
  37.      <asp:BoundField DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name"></asp:BoundField>  
  38. </Columns>  
  39.    <EditRowStyle BackColor="#2461BF" />  
  40.    <FooterStyle BackColor="#507CD1" ForeColor="White" Font-Bold="True" />  
  41.    <HeaderStyle BackColor="#507CD1" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />  
  42.    <PagerStyle CssClass="pagination" BackColor="#2461BF" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />  
  43.    <RowStyle BackColor="#EFF3FB" />  
  44.    <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#D1DDF1" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#333333" />  
  45.    <SortedAscendingCellStyle BackColor="#F5F7FB" />  
  46.    <SortedAscendingHeaderStyle BackColor="#6D95E1" />  
  47.    <SortedDescendingCellStyle BackColor="#E9EBEF" />  
  48.    <SortedDescendingHeaderStyle BackColor="#4870BE" />  
  49. </asp:GridView>     

.aspx.cs page code 
  1. foreach (GridViewRow row in gvdashboard.Rows)  
  2. {  
  3.    if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)  
  4.       {  
  5.          CheckBox chkRow = (row.Cells[0].FindControl("chkRow"as CheckBox);  
  6.       if (chkRow.Checked)  
  7.       {  
  8.          // do whatever your logic  
  9.       }  
  10.    }  
  11. }

Saturday 18 January 2020

How to Add/Update cell in excel using Open XML and C#

This code used to add update rows and cell values in the excel sheet (.xlsx) using open XML and C#.
for that, you need to add open XML in your application.
To add please follow below steps:
 go to add references -> right-click on it - > click on manage nuget packages
-> Browse open XML -> you will see DocumentFormat.OpenXml -> click on install.


  1. public void UpdateExcelSheetData()          
  2.           {          
  3.               string fileName = @"file name with .xlsx extension and file path ";          
  4.               using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheet =          
  5.                      SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fileName, true))          
  6.               {          
  7.                   AddUpdateCellValue(spreadSheet, "test sheet1", 8, "A""test data1");          
  8.                   AddUpdateCellValue(spreadSheet, "test sheet2", 8, "B""test data2");          
  9.                   AddUpdateCellValue(spreadSheet, "test sheet3", 8, "A""test data3");          
  10.               }          
  11.           }          
  12. public void AddUpdateCellValue(SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheet, string sheetname,          
  13.               uint rowIndex, string columnName, string text)          
  14.           {          
  15.               // Opening document for editing          
  16.               WorksheetPart worksheetPart =          
  17.                         RetrieveSheetPartByName(spreadSheet, sheetname);          
  18.               if (worksheetPart != null)          
  19.               {          
  20.                   Cell cell = InsertCellInSheet(columnName, (rowIndex + 1), worksheetPart);          
  21.                   cell.CellValue = new CellValue(text);          
  22.                   //cell datatype          
  23.                   cell.DataType =          
  24.                       new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.String);          
  25.                   // Save the worksheet.          
  26.                   worksheetPart.Worksheet.Save();          
  27.               }          
  28.           }          
  29.  //retrieve sheetpart          
  30. public WorksheetPart RetrieveSheetPartByName(SpreadsheetDocument document,          
  31.                string sheetName)          
  32.           {          
  33.               IEnumerable<Sheet> sheets =          
  34.                  document.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<Sheets>().          
  35.                  Elements<Sheet>().Where(s => s.Name == sheetName);          
  36.               if (sheets.Count() == 0)          
  37.                   return null;          
  39.               string relationshipId = sheets.First().Id.Value;          
  40.               WorksheetPart worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)          
  41.                    document.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(relationshipId);          
  42.               return worksheetPart;          
  43.           }          
  45.  //insert cell in sheet based on column and row index          
  46. public Cell InsertCellInSheet(string columnName, uint rowIndex, WorksheetPart worksheetPart)          
  47.           {          
  48.               Worksheet worksheet = worksheetPart.Worksheet;          
  49.               SheetData sheetData = worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>();          
  50.               string cellReference = columnName + rowIndex;          
  51.               Row row;          
  52.               //check whether row exist or not          
  53.               //if row exist          
  54.               if (sheetData.Elements<Row>().Where(r => r.RowIndex == rowIndex).Count() != 0)          
  55.                   row = sheetData.Elements<Row>().Where(r => r.RowIndex == rowIndex).First();          
  56.               //if row does not exist then it will create new row          
  57.               else          
  58.               {          
  59.                   row = new Row() { RowIndex = rowIndex };          
  60.                   sheetData.Append(row);          
  61.               }          
  62.               //check whether cell exist or not          
  63.               //if cell exist          
  64.               if (row.Elements<Cell>().Where(c => c.CellReference.Value == columnName + rowIndex).Count() > 0)          
  65.                   return row.Elements<Cell>().Where(c => c.CellReference.Value == cellReference).First();          
  66.               //if cell does not exist          
  67.               else          
  68.               {          
  69.                   Cell refCell = null;          
  70.                   foreach (Cell cell in row.Elements<Cell>())          
  71.                   {          
  72.                       if (GetColumnIndex(cell.CellReference.Value) > GetColumnIndex(cellReference))  
  73.                       {          
  74.                           refCell = cell;          
  75.                           break;          
  76.                       }          
  77.                   }          
  78.                   Cell newCell = new Cell() { CellReference = cellReference };          
  79.                   row.InsertBefore(newCell, refCell);          
  80.                   worksheet.Save();          
  81.                   return newCell;          
  82.               }          
  83.           }          
  84.  // retrieve cell based on column and row index          
  85. public Cell RetreiveCell(Worksheet worksheet,          
  86.                     string columnName, uint rowIndex)          
  87.           {          
  88.               Row row = RetrieveRow(worksheet, rowIndex);          
  89.               var newRow = new Row()          
  90.               {          
  91.                   RowIndex = (uint)rowIndex + 1          
  92.               };          
  93.               //adding new row          
  94.               worksheet.InsertAt(newRow, Convert.ToInt32(rowIndex + 1));          
  95.               //create cell with value          
  96.               Cell cell = new Cell();          
  97.               cell.CellValue = new CellValue("");          
  98.               cell.DataType =          
  99.                      new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.String);          
  100.               newRow.AddAnnotation(cell);          
  101.               worksheet.Save();          
  103.               row = newRow;          
  104.               if (row == null)          
  105.                   return null;          
  106.               return row.Elements<Cell>().Where(c => string.Compare          
  107.                      (c.CellReference.Value, columnName +          
  108.                      (rowIndex + 1), true) == 0).First();          
  109.           }          
  110.  // it will return a row based on worksheet and rowindex          
  111.  public Row RetrieveRow(Worksheet worksheet, uint rowIndex)          
  112.           {          
  113.               return worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>().          
  114.                 Elements<Row>().Where(r => r.RowIndex == rowIndex).First();          
  115.           }     
  117. private static int? GetColumnIndex(string cellRef)  
  118. {  
  119.     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellRef))  
  120.         return null;  
  121.     cellRef = cellRef.ToUpper();  
  122.     int columnIndex = -1;  
  123.     int mulitplier = 1;  
  125.     foreach (char c in cellRef.ToCharArray().Reverse())  
  126.     {  
  127.         if (char.IsLetter(c))  
  128.         {  
  129.             columnIndex += mulitplier * ((int)c - 64);  
  130.             mulitplier = mulitplier * 26;  
  131.         }  
  132.     }  
  133.     return columnIndex;  
  134. }